With the 'Plane' design, designer Felix Stark has brought the classic secretary into the modern era. Plane' is brimming with intelligent workstation solutions and cleverly hides and stores all kinds of cables and plugs. All the necessary cables such as power, telephone or network cables are invisibly routed behind the rear leg of the table and end in a compartment between the two drawers. In addition to multiple plugs, there is also plenty of space here for cables and power supply units.
A cable aperture in the front panel and the top shelf makes it possible to work comfortably on the laptop. But it is not only this technical sophistication that makes 'Plane' the ideal place to work within your own four walls: The secretary also looks modern and timeless thanks to its elegant lines.
Its shape and dimensions make it ideal for use in small rooms and apartments where a workstation is to be integrated.
The two drawers store documents in DIN A4 format as well as other technical utensils, writing tools and more.
In addition to all these tricks of the trade, 'Plane' particularly impresses me with its design. The unpainted natural edges are particularly eye-catching, which I particularly like and will certainly integrate very harmoniously into the existing furnishings in your four walls.
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